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Fakultät Maschinenbau

Matching: Research into the possibilities of categorizing industrial services

  • Bachelor

The aim of this thesis is to examine the possibilities for describing industrial services and classifying them into categories. Various approaches of existing systems should be analyzed and, if possible, transferred to services. This should make it possible for different stakeholders to exchange information about services using a common language and thus collaborate across company boundaries.

Services are playing an increasingly important role for industrial companies in order to assert themselves economically on the market. At the same time, there is a recognizable trend towards co-creation, i.e. cooperation between different companies to provide an overall service. This creates the need to bring different companies together to jointly provide services. However, while the description of products or product components as part of an overarching manufacturing process is comparatively simple and has been established for decades, there is still a great need for action in the area of industrial services. Joint communication is made more difficult because the same services are described differently by different stakeholders. This can lead to major problems, particularly at interfaces where the various services interlock, which often results in additional work or downtime.

The aim of this thesis is therefore to investigate the possibilities for describing and categorizing industrial services. Various approaches of existing systems should be analyzed and, if possible, transferred to services. This should make it possible for different stakeholders to use a common language to exchange information about services and thus collaborate across company boundaries.

To this end, this thesis will:

  • Develop the basics of categorization systems and industrial services,
  • To record the current state of the art and research into categorization systems for services,
  • Analyze systems from other areas and examine their applicability for industrial services,
  • A model for service categorization was proposed,
  • And, if necessary, validated with practice partners from the GRIPSS-X research project


  • Degree in industrial engineering/logistics/mechanical engineering/(industrial) computer science or similar.
  • Ideally previous knowledge in the field of platforms, service engineering
  • Experience with market analyses and profitability assessments
  • Motivation and initiative

We offer:

  • Interesting topic in a relevant field of research
  • Good availability for organizational and content-related queries
  • Opportunity for regular exchange
  • Openness to new ideas
  • Well-structured format templates for the elaboration


Possible immediately, prompt processing desired.

If you are interested, please contact us by e-mail or telephone.
