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International webinar "Adaption Intelligence of Factories"

  • GRK2193
  • FPB
GRK Internationales Webinar 2020 © LFO​/​ TU Dortmund
The Chair of Enterprise Logistics invites you to an international webinar with other TU Dortmund University research institutes on November 16, 2020.

On November 16, 2020, the Chair of Enterprise Logistics and other research institutes at TU Dortmund University are hosting aninternational webinaras part of the Research Training Group 2193 "Adaptive Intelligence of Factories in a Dynamic and Complex Environment".

In addition to insights into the research work of international scientists, the event offers a compact presentation of the latest research findings of the research training group and is therefore equally suitable for science, industry and students from various disciplines.

The broad range of topics covers work on resource-efficient and sustainable factories, innovative simulation and control methods, applications of artificial intelligence and blockchain in production and logistics as well as the digital transformation of work and investment controlling.

The agenda isherecan be found here. Participation is free of charge and possible via ZOOM:

GRK Webinar - 16.11.2020 - 09:00 to 12:30

ID: 937 9940 6707; Code: 649240

The Research Training Group is looking forward to numerous participants at the event.