Fundamentals of enterprise logistics and supply chain management
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The aim of the course Fundamentals of Enterprise Logistics and Supply Chain Management is to create a basic understanding of the functions and processes of corporate logistics and the tasks of supply chain management. The course provides an overview of the design, planning and optimization of material, information and financial flows and distinguishes the tasks of supply chain management as a management discipline from the functional areas of corporate logistics (procurement, production and distribution logistics).
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We implement a classic lecture and exercise concept for this course.
The concept of the course thus consists of classic attendance dates of the lecture, a case study accompanying the lecture, which is self-organized in groups and is a prerequisite for admission to the exam, attendance dates as part of the exercise for the presentation and discussion of the case study results from the group work and digitally provided documents in Moodle to prepare for the lecture dates. Learning control questions are also provided in Moodle for this purpose.
Your starter kit for the supply chain management of the future: our case study accompanying the lecture
In the course of an exciting case study that accompanies the lecture, you will deepen your knowledge through practical experience and on the basis of current issues.
Students will have gained a basic understanding of business logistics and SCM by...
- understand a supply chain as a network of organizations that are connected by relationships between material, information and cash flows
- explain basic terms, concepts and principles of supply chain management as well as its sub-processes and functions,
- discuss strategies for overcoming current challenges and future developments,
- assess the potentials and challenges of digital technologies in SCM,
- assess the contribution of SCM to the company and the supply chain,
to be able to plan and control customer-centered value creation networks in the main features and to develop solutions for typical problems.
Please note that participation in the written examination requires prior successful participation in the coursework. The details of the scope and form will be announced by the lecturer at the beginning of the course in accordance with examination regulations §8 (13) and (14).
The coursework must be completed during the semester. It is carried out in the form of a case study as group work. The content and scope of the coursework will be explained at the beginning of the course.
In line with the LFO work culture, we strive to continuously improve teaching for this and all our LFO events, which enables student-centered, application- and practice-oriented skills development through innovative and active teaching formats. Therefore, innovative didactic methods such as case studies are used to achieve the learning objectives in this course and supplemented by elements of digital teaching in the context of, for example, preparation materials that are regularly made available online.