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Final theses and project work at the LFO

As part of our projects, we offer final theses and project work for students of TU Dortmund University in the Logistics, Industrial Engineering and Mechanical Engineering degree programs.
Please read the information on the procedure and application process carefully. Our format and document templates (for Word, LaTeX, Citavi and PowerPoint) can also be found on this page.

This is how it works!

Procedure for applying for and supervising a student research project at the LFO

Students of logistics, industrial engineering and mechanical engineering have the opportunity to apply for advertised theses on the LFO website or to submit their own topics for theses. We are also happy to work together with companies to supervise theses. In the case of unsolicited applications, we recommend that you contact the staff of the chair in person to find out about research priorities.

Send your application to wissarbeiten.lfo.mbtu-dortmundde with the following documents:

  • Abstract of a concrete topic proposal, incl. provisional title of the thesis
  • Letter of motivation
  • curriculum vitae
  • Overview of achievements

We receive many requests for thesis supervision and therefore cannot respond to every single request. However, every request will be reviewed. We will contact you if we are interested. If you do not receive a response to your request within two weeks, then supervision is not possible. Please refrain from inquiring about the status of your application.

If supervision of a thesis is accepted, the content specifications and deadlines are defined in consultation with the supervisor. The preparation of a synopsis forms the basis for the content of the thesis. There should be no more than 4 weeks between the acceptance of the thesis supervision and the submission of the synopsis.

You will receive a registration form for the thesis from the Examinations Office. Once you have received positive feedback on the synopsis, submit this to the respective supervisor with the title of the thesis.

Please note that a non-disclosure agreement may be required for work in collaboration with companies. This will only be initiated via the LFO secretariat if the company expressly requests this. Only the standardized GHV of TU Dortmund University is authoritative. An individual or modified GHV on the part of the company will not be accepted. Only when the signatures of the company and the TU have been obtained is the GHV finally approved.

You can now write your thesis. You can find information on processing as well as the required documents and templates on the LFO website. Bachelor's theses take 12 weeks to complete and Master's theses take 24 weeks.

To prepare students, we have set up a self-study room in Moodle together with the partner chairs of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, which will serve as a central point of contact and initial information. You are welcome to register yourself at any time at: https: //

In principle, theses are to be submitted in digital form via the online portal ExaBase. You can access the online portal and the checklist for digital theses here: https: //

Theses in companies that require a non-disclosure agreement are submitted in analog form - i.e. not via ExaBase.

An affidavit is an integral part of the thesis. The template is available in ExaBase. This must be printed out, signed and inserted into the pdf file to be submitted or uploaded. If the thesis is submitted in analog form, the form for the affidavit can be downloaded from the university website.

The oral examination can be registered for after successful submission of the written work, in consultation with the supervisor.

The oral examination lasts 20 to 30 minutes and includes a presentation and a technical discussion. A PowerPoint template can be found on the website. The exact procedure will be coordinated with the supervisor.

Word, LaTeX, Citavi, PowerPoint

Styles and documents

Are you looking for our templates and documents? We offer the following templates: Word, LaTeX, Citavi, PowerPoint.

To our format templates

The Moodle course Better Research

Desperate at the thought of your thesis?

You will also find useful information on citation, academic writing, the exposé and the general do's and don'ts of academic work, from the procedure to literature research and research methodology. In addition, the course offers the opportunity to exchange ideas.

Click here for the Moodle course ->